大橋エリ | Eri Ohashi
•国立音楽大学 器楽科 打楽器専攻卒業
Glass Harpist, Percussionist
An artist who connects the traditions of classical music and the glass harp to the
next generation, playing an essential role in both educational and cultural fields.
• Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music, Major in Percussion
• Awarded in the All Japan Classical Music Competition National Finals
•2003~2007年「バンブーオーケストラ」に所属し、愛知万博の開閉会式や毎週末のワークショップで演奏。 また、アメリカ「Arts Midwest Tour」にて、2年連続で学校公演、ホール公演、ワークショップを実施。
•2013・2014年、イッツフォーリーズ劇団公演に参加。 •2015年、島根県民会館子ども演劇公演「野原で見つけた物語」で宮沢賢治作品の作編曲を担当。 他アーティストとのサポートやコラボレーションも多数経験し、2015年、キングレコードより日本唯一のグラスハーピストとしてデビュー。 国内外のオーケストラや著名アーティストと共演し、メディアで注目を集める。
•2020年:滋賀県ローザンイルミ「Warm Resonance」提供
•2024年:NHK大河ドラマ「光る君へ」および朝ドラ「虎に翼」に楽曲参加。「光る君へ」コンサート 〜沼ル音楽会 at オペラシティ大ホールで演奏披露
•2025年:東京文化会館小ホールでソロ・リサイタル「グラスハープ・インストルメンツ」, ソロアルバム『Rarity -glassharp mozart-』リリース
•1999~2008年、演奏活動と並行して病院や介護施設で11年間勤務。音楽療法の現場にて打楽器リハビリのオリジナルプログラムを 考案し、患者の心身の向上に貢献。
•2015年より世田谷区保育士研修講師として活動。 •2021年よりNPO法人「育てネット」の評議員を務める。
•2007年から10年間、保育園3園で常任ボディーパーカッション講師を担当。 また、新興出版社啓林館の中学理科教材にグラスハープ演奏を提供し、感性教育の推進にも注力。 文化施設では長野県小海町高原美術館「あわい」作品展示や岡山アーツフェスティバルで演奏活動を展開。
グラスハープの芸術的価値を広めるため、モーツァルトの秘曲K.617「グラスハーモニカのためのアダージョとロンド」の復興伝承演奏に 注力。文化・教育の分野でも影響力を発揮し、楽器の歴史や価値の認知向上に貢献。 2022年、日本グラスハープ協会を設立し、150名以上の会員と共にグラスハープの認知向上に取り組む。教育機関や全国各地での ワークショップやオンラインレッスンを展開し、後進のグラスハープ奏者育成プログラムも立ち上げている。
<Music Career>
• 2003-2007: Joined the "Bamboo Orchestra," performing at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Aichi Expo and holding weekly workshops. Also participated in the U.S. "Arts Midwest Tour" with school concerts, hall performances, and workshops for two consecutive years.
• 2005: Performed as a member of the Bamboo Orchestra in “Ondekoza” Taiko Group's "Taiwan Marathon Tour."
• 2008: Guest appearance and solo performance in the domestic tour of "Beyond the Waters" as Eri Ohashi.
• 2000-2006: Leader of the rock band "eta."
• 2005: Performed with the all-female band "HB" as a MIDI marimba player at the Fuji Rock Festival.
• 2006: Participated as a percussionist in the orchestra for Takarazuka's Tokyo performance.
• 2008-2010: Appeared as "erikuo" in live performances at NHK Studio Park.
• 2013-2014: Participated in performances by the Its Follies theater group.
• 2015: Composed and arranged music for the children's theater production "The Tale Found on the Meadow," based on the works of Kenji Miyazawa at the Shimane Civic Center. She has also supported and collaborated with numerous artists. In 2015, debuted as Japan's only glass harpist with King Records, performing with orchestras and renowned artists both domestically and internationally, gaining media attention.
<Major Performances and Activities>
• 2018: Guest appearance at the "Momoiro Clover Z" concert at the Budokan.
• 2020: Provided "Warm Resonance" for the Rozan Illumination in Shiga Prefecture.
• 2021: Soloist with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra conducted by Michiyoshi Inoue.
• 2022: Established the Japan Glass Harp Association and collaborated with the chamber music group "Muse Seed."
• 2023: Soloist with the Yamagata Symphony Orchestra.
• 2024: Participated in the NHK Taiga drama "Hikaru Kimi e" and the morning drama "Tora ni Tsubasa," with a performance at Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall.
• 2025: Scheduled to hold a solo recital at Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Small Hall. Solo album "Rarity -glassharp mozart-" released.
<Educational and Cultural Activities>
• 1999-2008: Worked in hospitals and nursing homes for 11 years alongside her performances. Developed an original percussion rehabilitation program used in music therapy, contributing to the physical and mental improvement of patients.
• Since 2010: Involved in numerous publications, including childcare materials for King Records and piano arrangements for NHKʼs “Minna no Uta.”
• Since 2015: Serving as a childcare training instructor in Setagaya Ward.
• From 2021: Serving as a board member for the NPO "Sodate Net."
• Since 2007: Worked as a resident body percussion instructor at three nursery schools for ten years. Additionally, she has promoted emotional education by providing glass harp performances for Shinko Shuppan Keirin-kan's junior high science materials. Her cultural facility activities include exhibiting "Awai" at the Koumi Museum of Art in Nagano Prefecture and performing at the Okayama Arts Festival.
<Media Appearances>
Has appeared on major broadcasting stations such as NHK, NTV, and TBS. Featured in movies such as "gift," TV shows like "Arashi ni Shiyagare," "THE Karaoke Battle," and various radio and commercial appearances.
<Cultural Contributions>
To promote the artistic value of the glass harp, she has focused on the revival and traditional performance of Mozartʼs hidden masterpiece, K.617 "Adagio and Rondo for Glass Harmonica." She continues to make a cultural and educational impact, contributing to the recognition and appreciation of the instrument's history and significance. In 2022, she established the Japan Glass Harp Association, working with over 150 members to raise awareness and deepen the exploration of the glass harp. She has also launched programs to train the next generation of glass harp players, conducting workshops and online lessons across the country.